Three New Vampire Killing Kits by CRYSTOBAL

Vampire Killing Kits by CRYSTOBAL
CRYSTOBAL, the Gothic Artist credited with creating (inventing) the high-end, artistic, primitive-style Vampire Killing Kit, has once again come out of retirement to build three all-new artistic Vampire Slayer Kits for the 2021 Halloween and Christmas Season.

Introducing the full-size Vampire Killing Kit Neriah, the medium-size Vampire Killing Kit Dianella, and the small-size Vampire Killing Kit Nomi. All three kits were created by the artist himself, using his proprietary antiquing methods and artistic embellishments.

CRYSTOBAL, known around the world for his kits, started creating and producing Vampire Killing Kits decades ago after seen one at Ripley’s Believe it or Not in Orlando, FL. Knowing that the original kits were made to be very precise and ornate in Victorian fashion for wealthy travelers, CRYSTOBAL decided to create a kit that would have been built and used by everyday people traveling through Vampire country in Europe, Great Brittan, or even America.

The three Vampire Killing Kits that CRYSTOBAL has created for 2021 would be at home in any European village pre-1900. The larger kit, Neriah, features an American “Colt” black powder pistol that shoots silver shot (balls); in some lore, silver will slow or even stop a Vampire, but not kill them. This kit seems to be more for a traveler in the Americas. The other two slayer kits are more European in nature.
All CRYSTOBAL Vampire Killing Kits come with at least one stake (in all three of these kits, his famous “cross stake” is used), a mirror, a candle with accompanying leather-bound box of matches, a Holy Bible, and a bottle of Holy Water. Also included is a copy of the Exorcism Prayer and a copy of “Characteristics of a Vampire”.
Additional items include:
- Bottle of Rock Salt,
- Bottle of Consecrated Earth,
- Silver Chain,
- Box to hold Garlic,
- Rosary (hand made by CRYSTOBAL),
- Knife,
- Coffin Nails and Hammer,
- Compass,
- Spy Glass,
- Gun Powder and Silver Shot for Pistol
All three CRYSTOBAL Vampire Killing Kits will be on sale on Etsy starting this week. Visit
- by Crystobal Artiste di Vampyre
- posted at 10:38 pm
- August 16, 2021
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