Vampire Killing Kit – Halloween is the right time to buy

The Halloween season is here, and it’s the right time to buy that vampire killing kit you’ve been wanting. CRYSTOBAL’s kits make great Halloween decor, conversation pieces, and costume accessories.
Currently in the Etsy Shop, there are two full size custom Vampire Killing Kits for sale: The True Blood Stackhouse Family Vampire Killing Kit, and the WWI US Army Military Vampire Killing Kit. Both of these kits are top-of-the-line, heavily detailed and include a replica pistol, antique bible, stakes, holy water, container for fresh garlic and other important vampire hunting accessories. (These kits are for display only, not for use as a costume accessory)
The mini coffin-shaped vampire killing kit is also still for sale at only $29.95, as well as two wall-hanging cross stakes. More vampire slayer’s kits will be featured as they are built.
- by Crystobal Artiste di Vampyre
- posted at 4:34 pm
- October 10, 2013
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